Blair's Rip & Tear- The Definitive Demo

Hello there! Welcome to the Definitive Demo of Blair's Rip & Tear.
This build showcases the following:
-The Title screen
-Sapphire Ridge Zone acts 1 and 2 (with the boss fights), all completed
-The end cutscene for act 2
-The completed Mach Rail Zone act 1 with a completed boss fight afterwards
-Save data!!!
-3 new abilities for Blair, explained in the tutorial screen (accessed by selecting 'No' after the title screen)
-If you complete an act without taking a single hit, the game will notify you as such
If there are any bugs, they will be fixed for future versions/the full game.
And remember...
Blair is Non-binary! (They/Them)
(You won't BELIEVE how many people mistook them for a boy/girl)
Try typing "Delta" on the 'Coming soon...' screen...
#sonic #fangame #2d #platformer #sonicworlds #mileseps #spinoff #action