Comments (6)
It's a good game, I like it. I'm not a tetris/columns fan because sometimes I do infinite plays :S
Love the concept and eecution, but I would add some type of grid or middle bar to know the correct column easier ;)
Good luck on the Jam!
This game reminds me a lot of Palamedes, an old videogame for the classic GameBoy. The controls are compicated, moving a bar on the top would have simplied it a lot and made it more fun ;)
Thank you for the window'ed build. Cool game! I included it in my Familiar Game Jam 5 compilation video series, if you would like to check it out! https://youtu.be/Br3rGciS0BQ

It seems like a really cool game, sadly, I cannot record it for my Familiar Game Jam 5 compilation video series. (not sure why, it would help if it was windowed though)
Block Panic
deconstruct the walls of society and consumerism , that are represented by blocks of lego and should avoid to rise, make on #familiargamejam5