
BlockWorld Adventure - Slovakian
BlockWorld Adventure - English
BlockWorld Adventure is a platformer game, in which you have to get through 10 levels of varying themes and defeat two bosses. Along the way you can collect two powerups: Fire and Double Jump.
This game is available in both English and Slovakian. It is my first complete game, so it is a bit short, however that is also because it was made for school. Hope you enjoy!
Music by Waterflame ( http://www.waterflamemusic.com/using-my-tracks )
BlockWorld Adventure je skákačka, v ktorej sa musíte dostať cez 10 levelov s rôznymi prostrediami a zničiť dvoch bossov. Počas cesty môžete získať 2 zlepšováky hráča: Oheň a Dvojskok.
Táto hra je aj v Angličtine a aj v Slovenčine. Je to moja prvá dokončená hra, takže je trochu krátka, ale to je aj preto, lebo som ju urobil pre školu.
Dúfam že sa vám bude ľúbiť!
Hudba od Waterflame ( http://www.waterflamemusic.com/using-my-tracks )