Comments (4)
Игра хорошая,но нужно доработать физику
Okay I'm gonna play this later today but I did have one thing That I believe can make this more appealing.
Is there anyway you can have the camera be more dynamic when following characters? An example would be Super Smash Bros.
Blowhards Demo
Summer content update!
Team matches
Team skins
Blowhards is a long range multiplayer fighting game, with king of the hill style gameplay. The characters are colourful, the music is fun, and the chaoticness is hillarious! This is a PC-build and it's necessary to use hand controllers. Up to 4 players.
A controller is required to play blowhards
Full game includes:
Different playable gamemodes
Free For All
King Of The Hill!
Team brawl!
Choose minutes, points or lives as win condition
All 18 preinstalled levels
2 playable characters: Noot & Toot3 skins for each character
Level Editor!
Make your own levels and play them!
All future updates, bug fixes and packages!
Demo includes:
Quick start free for all, random level
4 levels
1 playable character: Noot
No character skins
No level editor
View gameplay on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6Go6xl9FRg

We're Babloon Studios, 6 people from Sweden who made this game for every couch game lover out there!