
As you might be able to infer upon from the title, this is a spinoff of another game, though that game doesn't really exist yet. I saw a lotta posts saying not to immediately put all my eggs in one basket and get some smaller games under my belt.
...I'm still in immense mental pain, but now it's ever so slightly closer to ending.
As you can maybe guess by the title, it's heavily based on the various instances of "The Arena" in the Kirby series. I'm talking attack patterns and a platforming mix and such. The plan is for two modes: one in a tournament-style bracket against 3 random opponents and one where you take on all of them in a row. I've got what feels like a decent base, (truth be told, it's based on the gamemaker platformer template code with some tweaks and additions, like attacking, running, semisolids, etc.) I'm just at the point where now I have to figure out how to put it all into play.
Well, I've kept you for long enough with something I'll likely give up on, good luck with... whatever it is you're doing. Playing? Fiddling? Taxes? Tax fraud? I'm not your parent, you do you.