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Help Blue Critter find a way to leave the dangerous caves where it hatched!​

The Blue Critter Adventure! is about exploration of an alien environment, it's not a classic platformer, even though it often uses platform mechanics. There are many ways to pass through the different caves. Move carefully, you'll need to figure out  which of the creatures and plants are dangerous ...

Explore 6 caves, find 6 seeds and collectibles for your gallery - and survive!


Controls: mouse and keyboard (arrow keys and WASD, Space key for jumping)

The global volume can be controlled through a volume slider (thanks, Wishforge Games:

Some system requirements:

64bit operating system (more recent the better)

64bit compatible CPU

WebGL compatible graphics

Not sure about RAM, at least one GB, 4 GB or more is better

Windows 10. One of the computers I tested the game on was a Windows 7 laptop with integrated graphics- it's playable, but the light effects are missing and the game looks a bit bland

Don't worry if you'll get a notice from Windows Defender on Windows 10 because I'm an “Unknown publisher”. This may change when more of you guys have played the game :-)


I hope you'll check out The Blue Critter Adventure and let me know what you think - feedback is greatly appreciated!


Credits for the  fonts used on the title:

"Spring" by  Lime

"Mr Vampire" by Vin

"Hothead" by Brain Eaters

#platformer #adventure #handpainted #cute #alien #exploration #cave #2d #singleplayer

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
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