
Comments (2)

What do you think?

I've a few ideas for alternate modes and of course hope to add loads more puzzles!

Extremely simple, very short, something for kids to practice for a test. Potential? Well, a math game can't really get more advanced than that. Although I do hope you prove me wrong someday. 4/5 For actually putting effort into a math game.



Version: 1.0.0almost 11 years ago

Test your brain in this mathematical puzzle game.

Bodmaster is a simple game designed to provide quick 30 second puzzles that could be played when you have a few minutes or in a classroom via an interactive whiteboard. Players are provided with an answer then segments of a sum. They must select them segments in order, taking into account the rules of BODMAS (aka BIDMAS).

I'd love to get feedback, especially on the concept as an educational game.


Fixes for Bodmaster