
Comments (8)

What do you think? here is the gameplay, first game is Bonnet the other one is The Midnight Man.

Not a bad game! I just uploaded a two-part Let's Play of it to Last Level Press. Feel free to check it out here:

I'm hoping this is the start to something good on the part of the creators' game production careers.

Developer, you have a great concept for a game. The atmosphere and music and controls are spot on. However there were a few things I think, if you fixed up, would make this game a seriously great indie title. Here's my let's play video of it where I literally almost peed my pants.

It wouldn't load when I pressed play, it just stayed on a white screen.

good game i just wish it was longer but it is a great start


Bonnet: An Indie Horror Game

Version: 1.7.0about 11 years ago

Bonnet V1.05 (Standalone)

Version: 1.7.0about 11 years ago


In a forest somewhere in Scandinavia a man lives alone. His wife died a few years ago. Since he found her at a nearby lake he started to ''see things that weren't there''. A doctor concluded that this man had the Charles Bonnet Syndrome. Patients are known to have complex hallucinations. Luckily for this old man the doctor prescribed him a medicine to reduce his hallucinations.

On a hot summer night the man woke up from a noise downstairs.
You are this man.. Good luck.

Current version : 1.07


The game was developed for a school project by Lars Sluijter(17) and Niek Dooper(16).

We are not very experienced developers but we gave it a go and we think it turned out pretty good. If you play this game and decide to upload a video to youtube about us, we would like to see it! :)


NOTE: The gamma slider was added for people who couldn't see ANYTHING. If you want the best experience out of the game you should keep it at its lowest.

NOTE2: This isn't the final version, we will change things untill the final version of the game. You can help us by leaving us tips and bugs!

NOTE3: Due to a weird problem, you have to wait some time to play the game in the browser version. If you play the browser version, please wait for around 20 seconds until you hit the "Play Game" button. We will fix this problem later on.


Want to donate some money to the men who made this game? You can do that by clicking the following link:

Mild Realistic Violence
Drug Reference

Continuing on development this summer!

With the new features coming to the Unity 3D engine, I will probably continue developing Bonnet this summer! You’ll here more on this later.

Bonnet V1.07 update: Fences, Option Menu, Monster changes, Bug Fixes and more!

Bonnet update: Sprinting mechanism, more sound/music and a timer!