Comments (3)
Its simple and fun.
cool concept
This is an alpha concept version of an idea I've been playing around with. It is fully playable and can be compleated but is not a fully realised and finished game, more a proof of concept idea for other games I'm working on.
The player has to guide the on-screen character across the constantly scrolling play-area by performing actions as the character runs over one of the flashing question-mark boxes. Most actions can only be performed once, except for the 'stop' action. Pressing forwards will release a stop, allowing another action to be quickly performed. When an action is performed the question-mark box changes to show the action taken."
The background will change and the game speeds up at the half-way check-point. After reaching this you will receive 4 continues, allow you to start from here 4 times.
High Jump - Xbox Controller A & Right Shoulder Buttons or the 'A' Key.
Long Jump - Xbox Controller A Button or the 'Z' Key.
Run Faster - Xbox Controller Thumb Pad Right or the '>' Key.
Stand Still - Xbox Controller Thumb Pad Left or the '<' Key.