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Boxed Up Games is a collection of party games similar to Jackbox, but with one major difference: the game can only be played by players on the same network, due to technical and financial limitations. Theoretically, you could play with other players by using port-forwarding but that is up to you to figure out.

The collection only has one game right now, but more will be added later

Running the Game

If you have issues running the game, you may not have a compatible version of Java. To properly run the game, you must have Java 21 or higher. You download it for free at

Explain Yourself! (5-12 players)

Go head to head against your friends to see which of you can come up for the best explanation for the situation you're in.

Each player will be given two prompts (and each prompt will be given to two players) stating a situation they are currently in. Players then respond by explaining how it happened. Once everyone has answered their prompt, or the time has run out, everyone will vote for their favorite response to each situation.

More votes means more points, the player with the most points at the end wins!

Game2 (4-10 Players)

[Coming Soon]

#party #multiplayer #friends #other

Mild Realistic Violence

Its been a while. I am still having issues getting the Java version to reliably run on other people's computers, so I decided to start programming the demo in another language which should also improve the graphical capabilities. See you next month!

Progress is well underway. I'm currently having issues getting the game to run on other peoples' devices, so no demo this weekend. Check back next weekend!

I did it, I posted my first game! Well, not really. It's still in development but if all goes well a beta will be available this weekend.