Comments (8)
I am insanely confused. I don't understand what nearly anything is at all or why I'd want to trade my Moki for Mumo. I don't know why I'd want to "call favors", "get initiated" or form a gang. I was actually kinda excited to play this one. I've got a soft spot for text adventure games but as it stands I can't really find myself getting too far into it. I was expecting a randomly generated adventure but just got a confusing resource management simulator. I just have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing or building up for, my goal isn't clear and the game has all the conveyance of Dr. Jekyll for the NES.
Cool game! Very unique! What program did you use to create this?
Also, FIRST!!!
Brave Random World
Text-based dystopia generator.
You're a conniver in a confusing world.
State of the generated world may offers different problematics.
Try a few ones. You may find a few things.
Source code is available here: https://github.com/Nekith/BraveRandomWorld
Drug Reference
Sexual Themes