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Bring me Home

Version: 0.3.0over 1 year ago

Hello! My name is Blubi!

I am a little octopus who lives in a shell and eats bubbles. Would you help me to get home and feed me on the way?

What kind of games it is?

It is a cute game about little octopus Blubi. You need to help him to get in his shell till the time is over. The main aim of each level is to collect 5 bubbles and get to the shell where Blubi lives. First it is easy to do, but soon come handicaps and enemies.

How it is going

I made this game with my daughter (7y). I am not a game developer, it is our first try to create something new together. My daughter drawn the characters and I made them digital. Than we decided what Blubi should do.

 All assets are made by me in Procreate. Game engine is Gdevelop

Key Features:

  • cute design

  • relaxing music

  • easy gameplay

  • bonus items

  • made by kid for kids

#action #cute #kids #easy #short #demo


You can and and edit your pics and make them into skins for Blubi.

The pics can be changed or deleted every time.

Nothing will be send to any sever. Your data will be available only for you.

New update!

- Better game mechanic

- More effects

I will be happy for your feedback!