
Bring me Home
Hello! My name is Blubi!
I am a little octopus who lives in a shell and eats bubbles. Would you help me to get home and feed me on the way?
What kind of games it is?
It is a cute game about little octopus Blubi. You need to help him to get in his shell till the time is over. The main aim of each level is to collect 5 bubbles and get to the shell where Blubi lives. First it is easy to do, but soon come handicaps and enemies.
How it is going
I made this game with my daughter (7y). I am not a game developer, it is our first try to create something new together. My daughter drawn the characters and I made them digital. Than we decided what Blubi should do.
 All assets are made by me in Procreate. Game engine is Gdevelop
Key Features:
cute design
relaxing music
easy gameplay
bonus items
made by kid for kids