Comments (46)
I'mma lovin' this BTM Reboot, man! Best and most understandable plot in the whole series to date, good horror, and pretty good controls! Bravo!
From scary mickey mouse to lost Nintendo 64 games. You've gone this far, no turning back.
I just wanna say Im a big fan of your work this lore you are creating and way of making games like Shipwrecked... I grew up on Creepypastas And Fnaf (My favorite series was these about kids cartoons and movies like "Abandoned by DIsney", "Su*cide Squidward, 1999" I LOVE THIS ANALOG VIBE, waiting everyday for it to fully come out

why does this version have the steam screenshots when its the legacy version
SHIPWRECKED 64 (Oudated)
Bucky and his gang are in danger and they need your help!!
With this brand new 3D platformer, Bucky and his friends are going to be taken on a wild ride through an island they had crashed upon. Help out your pals and get the ship back up and running so you can go home once again!
This game contains potentially shocking content, loud noises, jumpscares and bloodshed.