
Green creatures filled the world.
Very fierce creatures.
Our crazy hero wearing a Sombrero, defeat those creatures.
This hero is you.
These disgusting monsters to destroy and save humanity.
Right - Left key> Right - Left walking.
Up key> Jump.
Down key> Hero can't wait somethink, he'll calm down.
Spacebar> Your weapon is ninja stars; throw it.
Ctrl key> Throw bomb.
the game was made as the Turkish language.
So, I must to tell the meanings of pop-up windows.
When the game starting ask to you first "What is your name?"
When you pressed:
"exit" button> "Do you want to exit the game?"
"load" button> "Do you want to load your saved game?"
"music" button> "Music is off. İf you want to play it;
press with right mouse button on it."
"pause" button> "Game paussed. If you want to continue, press OK."
"restart" button> "Do you want to restart?"
"save" button> "Game saved."
Thank you for your interest.