
Comments (10)

What do you think?

Would be nice to see a better description than just linking off to another game on Greenlight.

This game is awesome. Nice controls, great music, and great art in general.

Wow, I really like the Luck mechanic. Keepin' an eye on this.

Found about this in Facebook. Cool concept, although it can be feel be a bit weird to balance, since, basically, it gets easier further in the level. It would be cool if some of the things would have more randomness in a way you interact with them and some more events than just a "lucky" and "unlucky.

A couple of things, which felt off ... Jumping was a bit rage-inducing at times. Especially with falling bridge platforms. It might be easily solvable by allowing to jump from mid-air after player leaves the platform (for a short period of time). 1v1 fights were a bit boring... Really wanted to be able to duck under a bullet. Boss shooting a multiple bullets in a way they weren't avoidable (or I sucked at it) felt a bit unfair.

And I want to shoot a cow in exchange for some luck. Also, whats with that duck? And what are money for? Only points or some future upgrades?


Bullets & Beats

Version: 1.0.0over 10 years ago

Check out our new demo and steam greenlight here!


Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence

Bullets & Beats, looking for labrats!

Looking for prototype testers for LuckyGame