Comments (2)
Can I be VA?
One night at Taco Bomb
thing that go kaboom

Do you wanna blow up? No? Okay, great, that's the story.

So, since you don't wanna blow up, here's the sitch! Defuse the bomb via clicking it, clip the wires. There's cameras and doors, the basics!
We also have -
A Custom Night with Presets, and a max mode to piss yourself at the sight of! (the bathroom's condemned by the state of Ohio, my apologies.)
An item market with our favorite circus attractions.
Trophies for bragging rights.
Try to not die!

Might have stolen a few things, but yeah!
Thanks to @GrabABread
for the original game (made in an hour and a half), and for being the co-owner of the game! He also coded the whole project.
Thanks to @Derv
for playtesting.
Thanks to @realscawthon
for making fnaf, peak.
Thanks to @RadianceGamesOfficial
for the rat's head.
shout out to taco bell.
#fangame #horror #fnaf #puzzle #pointnclick #strategy #action