
Chronicles of Panther Cyber Skyworld
A simple training program gone wrong.
Panther and Pit though that the training program would work well on its first test, however something seems to have gone terribly wrong and now the duo must defeat old foes as they head to create a exit from this corrupted program.Along the way they shall work with new and old allies.
Witness the First game in the Panther Series. Set in Between Book 1 and Book 2 this adventure will test both Panther and Pit.
Standard Turn based RPG Goodness with every character have multiple skills
Multiple Playable characters and various enemy types for fun
Special Dialogue scenes on the field with out interrupting game play
Various dungeons
Panther,Lana,NEXES,Truth,MCscience are owned by PantherXL360
Pit and All Characters From Kid Icarus, and Link are owned by Nintendo (Please don't remove this game)
Sonic is Owned by Sega