Comments (2)
i dont understand what am i doing?!?!
Simply amazing. 10/10
Call Center Sim
Welcome to the call center of SUPER-MEGA APPLIANCE WAREHOUSE!
So you're in, now go pick up that phone!
- Your boss
*Yes, you have just been hired by SUPER-MEGA APPlian.. yeah you get it. You've probably never heard of this place. Don't worry. Guess you're way through, and you'll be fine! If you're not sure, ask the boss, but he's cranky, so it costs!
If you're keen, check out (Call Centre Simulator 2-016)[http://gamejolt.com/games/call-centre-simulator-2-016/94942]
If you want to suggest calls, you can do that (here)[https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1j42rJ59bAyA1_XfCHhJO1TCB4N7HFDkUGmNYD7-fRmw/viewform]
Good luck!