
Comments (22)

What do you think?

I love this game but is their a way to change or lower the graphics? its lagging since its on high.

The game isnt so laggy i like the new update

This game is awesome! please add the new maps and updates i enjoy this!


Truck Defense

Version: 0.4.1almost 5 years ago

Truck defense is a tower defense similar game in ego perspective. defend your camp and set up guns to support you. I can't decide, maybe it's a shooter with tower defense elements.

If the feedback is good, i will continue the development.

Thanks for the testing and feedback. #action #scifi #shooter #strategy

Planned features that depend on your feedback:

  • more maps with different mechanics

  • more placeable things

  • more encounters and enemies

  • more "oh shit" features like orbital bombardements

  • more player weapons

Nothing has been posted to this project page yet. Check back later!