Comments (1)
Did you think no one would notice? Clearly that is the case since the entire game is an asset flip of the GTGD multiplayer FPS tutorial series.
You could have created your own game using the code and assets provided to you by the tutorials but no, you copied everything and released it as your own product. Don't lie about what you are claiming to be yours because people are not as stupid as you think and eventually someone will notice when you steal someone else's work. I strongly advise you remove this game from gamejolt and come back when you have put time and effort into creating a game that is yours. Yes you can use assets others have created but DO NOT make the game solely out of those assets. Create your own.
Capsule Wars!
This game puts you with or agaisnt your friends in an all out battle. Either go up into the front lines, or stay back and make a fort to help the survival of the team.
This is my first ever game so I would appriciate some feedback from the people who play it. Thx.