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Charm Xins in a Wrong time is a Full Sandbox Simulation Fight of a Game that is Caused by a Chaos of House Characters seeing that they think they Rult the World After they Were caused by a Disaster of Too Many homes were in a Charm of Xin they wanted to assist for Xin and then Turns up to be One of those Huge Fights who will REALLY Get the Xin.


There is 2 Menu Buttons that one is a Directory or Info Guides of the Houses and the Other is to Start a Battle Peform which It starts Emptybut with some tools like Numberic Buttons and Other Important Buttons That might Be Useful..


Assign Teams is Only founded in the Team Choosing Selection. Its Recommended to fill Both teams first before Assigning them to the Battle because thats when the Battle starts once pressed.

Team 1 / Team 2 Buttons are also Only founded in the Team Choosing Selections they switch teams 1 and 2 and you can add up to 5 houses in each teams. But its Best not to choose the same house that was already added as it wont Clone it.

X button is avalible in Battle Feields and Directory guides. They help going back to the Menu I dont need to explain this

Buttons 1 to 5 and D. the buttons 1 to 5 Only does Actions when a House auto Selects while playing the Game So in the Middle shows the House character Icon that house thats Shown means its Thaty houses turn and those buttons will do the Actions that the House was Given to which has that in the Directory guide. the D Button means Delete so that will Eliminate all Houses active in Battle so you can Make a New Battle.

Choose Teams Is Avalible and founded in the Battle Feield. Its how you select House characters and Teams assignings and how it starts the real battle. NOTE This will Eliminate the Previous or Current Battle Playing.


Usally this is In the Battle Feield Showing in the Middle. Now this is the One that Shows the House characters first Then after that house finished Performing Actions then it Shows this Icon The Counter Attack and Tricks which you press that To End that Houses turn and Do the Tricks. this Is randomized by Numbers 1 2 3 and 4. Since all Houses can only go up to 4 tricks only. While the Houses Turns Ends. This checks if they have Counter Attack Queued. if they Do this will hit them Back whoever Went the Last Time. And all of the Houses in Battle will Peform a Trick. Unless if they dont have one.


Those are the Status Effects Buffs and Debuffs ways. The Debuffs are All colored Background Red While this Image shows the Positives one. the Colored ones.

Damage Immunity - Can not take Damage

Pirecing - out of 100% ignore Defense

Recovery - Adds More Healing Power and Same goes to Healing Applied

Taunt - The Selected House is Forced to attack that Enemy with Taunt

Hidden - Can not Be Targeted. This does However makes them Hidden until the Battle Ends so That might be a Bug.

Dodge - out of 100% can Dodge to avoid taking Damage

Critical - Out of 100% can Make a critical hit to the Enemy

Critical Damage - Makes more Damage if Critical

Critical Defense - Makes the house take Less Damage From Critical Hits

Debuff resistance - Out of 100% has a chance to Negate a Debuff

Attack - Gains more Attack to the House

Defense - Gains more Defense to a House

Speed - Usally Has a higher chance to be Next But that Buff is the Only Status Effect that has No action.

Counter - Out of 100% In Counters and Tricks may Attack back That attacking Enemy.

Tenacity - Out of 100% chance This Overcomes all Debuffs to the House Ignoring Debuff Resistance.


We Also Have Stun frozen and Silence.

Stun - Usally Means Can not Attack and This is Useful to prevent Counter Attacks from that Enemy

Silence - This Usally Stops or Blocks the Current House from using skills 2 3 4 and 5. But this Might not Have that Ability Yet. This Game is Being Worked Still.

frozen - Another Incompacitation Debuff that does Not really Do anything except To block the House doing counter attacks.

They also have a ability to Revive but Approx that Might Be any house they Bring Back. But That house that was Revived goes to thier Team that revived for them. Which may be off balanced.


There is also a Button that also Shows in the Battle Feield as this Button is Auto Select. The Current house Thats Starts its turn. You can press that to get a suprise Perform of a Random Ability choosing 1 2 3 4 or 5. This Kind of the Reason Why Silence may not be as Useful Yet.

Health Bars Are text Colored Green or Lime and they show that above the House players so Thats thier Health.

Damage Indicating is White BG with Red text. for Criticals Has Yellow BG and Red text.

There is Animations of one being the Green Slime Splat as the Selected Turn player and One animation shows a Target with a red X which means thats the Houses Current Target enemy.


However this Game DOES take some time and While to Load when First Launch the App.

The Memory Usage on Web Browsers takes the start of 1.8GB then can go up to 8.6GB the Highest. NOTE : Playing this Game Longer will add more memory. If more peformance is More oftenly.

Once this Runtime on this Game goes Longer the game might have Encounters of little Freeze prosceccings (This doesnt show any messages about that) its just because the Runtime and Memory is getting a little more Lacked.

Why does the Game Take long to Load and then Play.

  • The Reason this happenes to this game is because ALL Animated frames SVG COntent and Images are in that File and In the Game. THe Sounds are Mostly From Network WI-FI Data. So that Reduces the Loading Assets and the File size

This At least requires 8GB Of Memory RAM Avalible if this is Run by Applications which Usally Does. And this Does not store Other Data or Saves other Data and so.

#action #rpg #arcade #other

Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
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