Comments (5)
Sort-of a guilty pleasure of mine.
Is the music repetitive? YES.
Is the whole "turn-based" thing great? KINDA.
Is the game a one-note gag? (again) KINDA.
Yet, all these things make Child Hood an interesting project that I recommend checking out, despite some of it's flaws.
Definetly a game worth playing through, playable, enjoyable, still I have to be honest its nothing special but a good time passer. The last Boss tho, I'm just gonna say be prepared for ragemode.
Was testing markdown lol

Super funny game! I included it in part 3 of my Mini LD #62 compilation video series, if you’d like to check it out!

Child Hood
Made by Steven Miller for miniLD#62
The infamous 5 year old M.C. rules the hood and has a huge gang of toddlers. You stayed out of his way before, but now you are on a quest to take him down. It plays like a turn-based game, but isn't actually turn-based. It will make more sense once you play it.
Tools Used:
GameMaker: Studio
Cosmic DJ (Only for one song though)
Everything was made by me because I am so hip and cool.
The game is a bit lengthy and very difficult, which kind of takes away from the theme. To make sure everyone can get to the final boss, I added a level skip.
Hold enter, hold Q, and press shift to skip a level.
I strongly recommend playing the tutorial first.
24 Levels
3 Bosses
7 Songs
Controller Support
A true heart-warming tale with riveting dialogue and revolutionary story telling.