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Game Soundtrack

1 song

Waterfall of Tears - Top Romix

Currently on an indefinite hiatus. (NOT CANCELLED!)


An original* take on DUSTTALE.

This project aims to retell Dusttale while still fitting into the UNDERTALE canon. It's owned and created by Scopto and co-owned by usernamex2.


Scopto - Director / Writer / Coder / Artist

usernamex2 - Writer / Artist

Top Romix - Musician

Osteophile - Creator of Dusttale

Evan Streblow - Inspiration, I guess? I don't know why he's here.

Crimson - I just wanted to make these credits longer. He's cool.


#undertale #fangame #dusttale #rpg

*There's lots of things carried over from the official Dusttale, but I'd say there's enough new things to count it as original.

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Language

how i feel when i just found out the ending i've planned out is a plot hole


Something went wrong. Try again later.


Indefinite Hiatus



turns out the actual origins of dusttale is a tumblr thread not the reddit post

my bad

credits updated

added stuff to the game page

it's a little more interesting looking now

also to show that this project is actively being worked on

i have 0 motivation right now but at the same time its 12 pm so

here take this

we got a banner now bc i was too lazy to make one eariler