Comments (14)
Pi reference lol
I've just discovered your script in the marketplace.
I think I'm going to buy it.
Anyway I was wondering how you can obtain that smooth curves out of your circles.
I tried lots of way to obtain an antialised primitive out of a game maker built-in draw scritps but nothing seems to work.
Really good and pleasant graphics.
It'd be perfect with achievements and other game modes
really good! i like it!
Do you like trigonometry? 3.14159265359? Radians, degrees and other funny stuff? Well, that's good, because now you can play with them!
Try to hold ball in the circle more than 60 seconds.
Android link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.FoXoft.Circlenoid
FoXoft in Twitter: twitter.com/FoXoftGames
FoXoft in VK: vk.com/FoXoft
Haks in SoundCloud: soundcloud.com/h2x-dev
Have fun.