
CityBuilder 2024 is a fascinating city development game where your goal is to create a thriving metropolis by managing every aspect of its development. Look carefully at the needs of your inhabitants, take care of their happiness and develop the city by making strategic decisions.
**Game rules:**
1. **Grow Your City:** Each turn corresponds to one day, and you have control over decisions regarding the construction and management of your city.
2. **Take care of residents:** Residents need apartments, shops, parks, schools and hospitals. Build according to your community's needs to increase their happiness levels.
3. **Factories Generate Raw Materials:** Build factories such as sawmills, steel factories and plastic factories to generate raw materials (wood, steel, plastic) necessary to build new facilities.
4. **Coal Mines:** Coal mines influence the happiness of the inhabitants by providing heat. Take care of the sustainable development of the city.
5. **Adjust Tax Rates:** Adjust tax rates to manage your city's finances. Remember that tax decisions affect the budget and resident satisfaction.
6. **Buy New Terrain:** Expand your city by purchasing additional land. Increase the space available for development and ensure sustainable urban development.
7. **The Numbers Say It All:** Monitor statistics such as population, happiness, education and healthcare. Build appropriate facilities to improve these metrics.
8. **Day System:** Each day in the game is one turn. Watch your city grow and make decisions with the future in mind.
9. **Customization Options:** The game offers the option to adjust the starting values, allowing you to adjust the difficulty and gameplay conditions.
**Enjoy Building:**
CityBuilder 2024 is not only a game about strategy, but also about creativity and resource management skills. Bring your city into the modern era by taking into account the well-being of the community and developing infrastructure with respect for the environment. Ready for the challenge? It's time to start building your dream city! #strategy #altgame #textadventure #platformer