Comments (3)

Amazing and fun little game! Love the sounds the coins make when collecting them (they remind me of the times when I used to play Fancade... Good times, so it makes the gameplay even better for me!), love the soundtracks, love even the smooth movements and simple mechanics! Really nice project, and even if it's an oldie, it's still a goldie!
How many coins can you collect before the minute is up? Featuring enless coins falling from the sky and smooth controls, Coins gives you the satisfying "caSHING!" every time you collect a coin. So what are you waiting for? Download now and become rich!
Coin Values are below:
Bronze - 100
Silver - 500
Gold - 1000
Fixed bug which caused the timer to sometimes start at 59 instead of 60
Music is "8-Bit Tundra" by EliteFerrex
Sprites are from the amazing sprite artist, Kenney.