
Comments (6)

What do you think?

Nice job so far, I think the style is unique. Just there was a bit more to do. Good luck! :D

So.... what happened to this game?



Version: 1.5.0over 5 years ago


Version: 1.2.0almost 6 years ago
The assets used in game.


Version: 1.3.0over 5 years ago
Русская версия игры.

Game Soundtrack

2 songs

Explore the old hardware workshop. It's been left to itself for about 22 years.


Nothing works except for that mysterious computer upstairs. The elevators don't work, all the windows are boarded up, and there are a few blocked doors.

By default, W,S,A and D to move, or the arrow keys. Mouse to look around. ESC to release mouse, and ALT+Enter to toggle fullscreen.

The story unfolds:
You're moving back to the old town in which you used to work. you notice your old work building, and decide to see if it's being used. Nobody has entered it since it closed down. You decide to see if it's door is unlocked. It miraculously opens! Yet a little slow, since it hasn't been opened in 22 years. You go inside and shut the door behind you. This is where the game starts.

Beware! This game is in it's beta stage, so expect lots of bugs!

See the game's website for Mac and Linux builds!


Ничего не работает, кроме этого таинственного маленького компьютера наверху. Лифты не работают, все окна заколочены, и есть несколько запертых дверей.

По умолчанию W, S, A и D для перемещения или клавиши со стрелками. Мышь осмотреться. ESC, чтобы отпустить мышь, и ALT + Enter, чтобы переключить полноэкранный режим.

История разворачивается:
Вы возвращаетесь в старый город, в котором вы работали. Вы замечаете свое старое рабочее здание и решаете осмотреть его, чтобы увидеть, используется ли оно. В результате никто не вошел, так как он заблокирован. Вы решаете проверить, открыта ли дверь. Это чудесным образом открывается! Все же немного медленный, так как он не был открыт в течение 22 лет. Заходите внутрь и закрывайте за собой дверь. Здесь начинается игра.

Осторожно! Эта игра находится в стадии альфа!

Смотрите сайт игры для сборок Mac и Linux!


#retro #horror #adventure #computer

Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Language

The original idea for this game has changed a bit. It was originally inspired by Bendy and the Ink Machine, and was going to follow a similar chapter structure, but I've decided I will follow a path similar to The Stanley Parable, with multiple endings.

This game has not been canceled! I am just transitioning to Godot for continuing this game!

This game hasn't been on my mind for a very long time. Please go check out Project Plastix, my upcoming building game. I hope for a release later this year.

I just released Alpha 3, or 1.3.0. It adds the following:

More Rooms
Character Dialogue
A starting cutscene
Fixed Some Textures
and An Unfinished Ending.

Tell me what you'd like to see in the poll, and I'll do it in the order that you guys suggested.

  2 votes Voting finished