Comments (3)
This is a neat little platformer! The jetpack physics do take a little getting used to, but it's fine once you get the hang of it. The cityscape has a near-future vibe that really worked for me as an idea of what one of these post-modern "urban carnival" downtown districts might feel like once you get up to the 3,874th floor and the foot traffic's gone, leaving nothing but the rush of the wind, the flat steel and stone of buildings, and enough cold, functional light to remind ourselves we still exist. And then of course the synth-heavy soundtrack that reminded me a bit of Vangelis' Blade Runner ambience just added to it.
Be sure to approach this game when you're not in a hurry. While the pace is faster than Connor's other games I've played (Sanctuary and Voice of Vamana) which could charitably be described as "glacial", it's no action game. That's not a complaint: while I considered the extreme slowness of the other games (yes, even for walking simulators) to be objectively a design flaw that needed fixing, the speed of this game has fully entered the realm of the Legitimate Design Decision(tm). It's slow, but just slow enough to remind you where you are and keep you contemplative and in the moment; making it faster would only encourage the player to try pulling off more complex parkour moves and take aggressive shortcuts, and then you're just playing Mirror's Edge...which is of course a great game but not what this experience is trying to be.
I might have hacked game once or twice. Luckly most buildings can be used as ladders. It's an amazing game, I managed to pass it without a problem. There could be more checkpoints.
Oh god, the world is so huge, and there's no clear indication of where to go... Yet I feel like I'm still getting to somewhere, which is great. Good contemplative game!
Condor, you are tasked with hacking data nodes throughout NeoQusqo. Just get close enough and our team will do the rest remotely. Proceed to the top of The Spire to complete your assignment. This is important. Other teams are running diversionary acts of cyber-terrorism, so you should not encounter any resistance.
You are a valued employee,
Praying Mantis
-WSAD to move
-Advanced Controls: WSAD still move you in the air, so point your nose where you want to go. If you look down you will accelerate downwards. If you look upwards and hold down 'W' though, you'll jump twice as high!
-Yellow light-beacons are checkpoints
-Get to the very top of The Spire to trasmit your signal, and win the game.
-Stealth Field: you are equiped with a prototype harness that will mask your presence to security fields and sensors as long as you stay above a certain altitude. All electromagnetic radiation is turned into visible-spectrum light.
-Jetpack: you are equiped with a small, compressed gas jetpack that will allow for greater vertical movement. Care was taken to keep the jetpack's emissions within the stealth field's limits, as jetpacks are illegal and would be registered by security sensors. We apologize for the lack of horizontal movement, but we have faith in your abilities.
-Rocket Boots: Your boots have been fitted with low-powered jets to aid in mid-air flight. You will move in the direction you are looking while in the air as long as you keep moving forward. Be mindful that you can counteract the vertical thrust of your jetpack by looking down while moving. Inversely, you can double your vertical thrust by "running" up while using the jetpack in tandem with the boots. Produces a mild amount of thrust.
-Bionic Legs: Your bones have been replaced by composite alloy bionics. You cannot be injured by long falls, and you can keep up a running pace indefinately.
A settlement of 14,000,000 credits will be deposited into your account upon completion. You are a valued employee.