
Comments (15)

What do you think? <-- Timecode

Check out "The Tower - Roland's Journey"

in my Gamejolt compilation #6

Your game was also featured in

Gamejolt Megacompilation #1 <--Timecode

Beat my scores! :-)

Thank you for entering #towerjam!

Great start! I liked the character graphics.


Okay I played it for a while. It's an interesting game and I see potential in it. I encountered a bug where on the 6th floor I died due to negative stamina (-1) just as I landed on a blue potion, I think. When the game said I died, it said I died after 1 Floor, instead of 6.

I feel like the collisions are off due to the size of the player and the perspective he's in. It feels like he shouldn't be blocked by things that are in the way of his head, considering realistically only his feet should be blocked. It also feels strange that he has to attack bags to pass them, especially when I noticed a goblin could just walk right through them. There's also nothing stopping goblins from walking in the space my head/torso occupies.

It'd be nice if there was some indication that attacking the monsters is pointless. I tried it until I died the first time I played. Actually, it'd be even nicer still if you -could- attack the monsters. It may be the less efficient way to play and you'll probably die sooner, but it'd be nice to have the option.

Anyway, good luck with the rest of the jam! I look forward to seeing how this game develops! :D


The Tower v1.2.1

Version: 1.4.1about 9 years ago
Full Version of "The Tower - GameJolt Edition" W A S D Controls or Arrows... your choice. "R" Restarts the game at anytime and will record your Floor Score. All floors are generated, so your score can always be beat. Trophies are available but not an easy task. Thank you so much for playing. Please Rate and Follow if you have the time. -O.D.D.

Game Soundtrack

2 songs

"The Tower"
GameJolt Full Version v1.2.1

Roland pushes through as the tower becomes harder to defeat as each floor rises higher and higher. All floors are randomly generated and will never end leaving the high Floor Score always beatable.

W A S D/Arrow Keys - Movement
"R" Restart and record Floor Score

Game Design/Creator: James Napier @jimmyNapier
Artwork/Sprite Creation: Calciumtrice
BGM: Joao Picoito / Blue Dot Sessions
Submitted to #towerjam

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence

Large Update added (PC Download) v1.4.1

#TowerJam - Game Jam Submission

Full Release - v1.2.1 (Leaderboards & Trophies)

Patch Update v2.1.0 - Level Load Glitch Fixed

Demo Glitch - Press R When Starting

For now there is a small glitch that happen when the game loads. Simply press “R” and it will restart and fix this issue. Working on a fix now, will upload fix ASAP. Thanks for the support!