Comments (17)

1. First, Conic. You cant just make everything level blue hill. They dont even have same backgrounds. Like for example. Palmtree panic is different from green hill. Plus time periods. 2. Also, on the secret platform where you go up, it does not look right. You probably should cut it. Because, theres already speed and invincibility monitors that are near the player. 3. And this game maybe too easy. Like what if you made metropolis so easy too the point its shorter. Its like putting S monitors in place of every monitor in the level Mushroom hill. And make it very short. Without a miniboss.
I dont mind easy, but gotta make it a bit hard. Or your hack can turn into (sonic but easy)
Not hate. Just advice im trying to give.
Sorry if this made you mad, upset, or crazy or anything. That wasn't the purpose of this.
cat with two tails is fine


bro is brainstorming
But the real question is, does it work on real hardware
i wish i could play this on a cute little button phone like nokia 216 but i have iphone 8
Conic the Cat 2
About characters

Name: Conic the Cat
Gender: Male
Age: 14

Name: Kinalink the Wolf
Gender: Male
Age: 8
#conicthecat #conic #sonicthehedgehog #sonic #sonicthehedgehog2 #sonic2 #romhack #genesis #megadrive #platformer