Comments (191)
Was an okay game, liked the graphics, lighting was nice, ambient was good, scary? More suspense really. Keep up the good work. Here is a let's play I did.
So I had made a video of this game years ago, but it was so boring, and it had no likes and 6 dislikes, I had decided to delete it. Not recently, I deleted it years ago too, but I don't remember when. Anyway, here's my new video:
It blew my eardrums to the outer space!It was cool but extremely loud!
No prob though Turnvex because we love you and support you! And when i'll become a pig youtuber i'm gonna fund all of your ideas xD Thanks for sharing! Here is my Let's Play > https://youtu.be/EOWfLA2aZMY <
I REALLY enjoyed this game and am excited to play ContinuousLY! Here's a video I made about it!
This is such an awesome game! I will definalty play more of your games!
Continuous Desktop version
Within Skerry Steam page is now live! feel free to check it out! Are you ready for my scariest game to date?
Dont forget to like me on facebook!
Continuous brings you into a world with endless loops. You keep on entering the same room over and over again constantly discovering new occurrences and paranormal events.
Note!: I was inspired to create a game with loops because of Silent hill PT. It was a great idea/ concept which is why I bring to y'all, Continuous.
Also note that this is not the best game to play if you have anxiety !
Be sure to check out my other games!:
Dead Man's Journey:
Grow your business 3:
Home from work 3:
Any many many more: