
Comments (3)

What do you think?

high quality version

camera's are good man

this game needs a remake..


Some random nights at Cosus

Version: 0.3.0almost 4 years ago

let explain some stuff

credits: five nights at Coso by @MidaGames

fnaf : scott cawton

GAME STORY: you get your new and cool job at the cosus restaurant , a Coso restaurant rip- O... RIVAL but during a shift you get stuck in a room where you find a cassete player with ... well cassetes , so you listen to some of them , you need to survive until someone finds you!

ENEMIES : when Cosus appears in your office use the mask , to enter he will open the doors and then he will close them when he goes away.

use the music box for the cosus-poopete

#fangame #fnaf


cool 3D models made by :@EvilEMG

another update?????


added buttons to change difficulty in custom night menu

new epic version !!!1!1!!111!!1

Settings coming soon!

this is probably the best game i ever made