
Crappy Whale (only works in Firefox Browser)
No prizes for guessing what this prototype was influenced by.
Again, the UI & art are all temporary & there are no sounds. I will try to describe the controls (sorry they are awkward for keyboard) as I'd really like suggestions on how I can convey them to players as I don't find them difficult once I know it but I have trouble explaining them to testers.
Up arrow will move you up. The longer you hold it down the higher you jump. You must start pressing the up arrow on or below the water surface, starting to press it when you have left the water will have no effect.
Down arrow causes you to dive. The longer you hold it the deeper you go. You must start pressing the down arrow on or above the water surface, starting to press it when below the water will have no effect.
While under water your water spout will recharge (icon appears top left). You can use this to scare birds out of your way (they see it coming & move up to avoid it). Left shift shoots the water.
Eating plankton (green squiggly stuff) will obviously create a need to poop (icon top left). Doing a small poop on a boat will get you extra points. Eating 2 or more plankton will give a super poop that will sink boats for even more points. Left Ctrl drops the 'bomb'.Try to build a rhythm & watch the right of the screen to try & time your movements ahead.
The best score on this current build is 38 but I'm sure people can beat it.Note that this is from a PC build so N obviously doesn't exit the game as it says on screen.
NB I used art from a free site but the document with the details is corrupted. If anyone knows the artist let me know & I will add the details.