Comments (2)
Ah nuts for no single player, would it be possible in future?
Requirements :2 Player game, so get your buddy or significant other.
Player 2 will need Xbox controller, Player 1 has to play with keyboard and mouse.
GamePlay: It is a split-screen game, players objective is to collect as many crystals (orbs) as possible. You can shoot in walk mode only, there are 3 modes walk, fly and roll. Your core temp will decrease if you enter water due to freezing. If the enemy hits you your rage increases. 100% Rage will shut you down for 8 sec and 0 core temp will also shut you down and give opposite player 5 crystals bonus. So try not to freeze your self. Also, note shooting tiles will decrease the integrity of that tile, but be cautious as the spyder uses ice below you to shoot balls which also decreases the integrity of tile below you!! Walking or rolling on a broken tile will sink you in water and decrease your core temp.