Comments (68)
This game was quite something. Really enjoyed playing it and even made a video out of it! Sadly im kinda dumb so it took a while to get used to all the buttons... But hey if you want to check my small playthru of it here you go:
Seriously, there is so much to like about this game! It's got the old school graphics (which always win old farts like me over), a wise-cracking protagonist and a tonne of awesome moves at your disposal to take out the bad guys (and sometimes hostages too, sorry fellas).
​There's a really nice variety of different things to do, like the hacking minigames and the option to unlock new abilities as you beat levels, that it keeps everything interesting and ticking along nicely.
The only downside for me was that it was sometimes difficult to navigate the levels and know where you were meant to jump to next, which led to me dying quite a few times. I'll admit that this may also just be due to my absolute idiocy when it came to using the full extent of my character's abilities though!
This is a great start, and I'm really excited to see the full game when it graces our presence. Highly recommend this for anyone who like classic beat-em-up platformer style games with a little modern charm thrown into the mix!
bro really that game is really on demo ? bro that game so cool for an demo
bro that game so good and is on demo :0
Ultimate Reality Demo
Game Soundtrack

Play as Drake Smith, a young adult inspired by the multiverse theory to create a device that allows dimensional travel possible. Drake Smith has been a vigilante for over a year, fighting crime under an unknown hero alias. After discovering a mystical artifact, Drake Smith has an epiphany that someone is trying to destroy every known dimension that has ever existed. Suit on as Drake Smith goes around the Multiverse in search for this mysterious figure and stopping him from destroying every reality. You have to fight against time, even though time is relative. Your actions can have consequences in other realities. You are the only one that can stop him.

Ultimate Reality is a Pixel Art Platformer where your actions have consequences. Use your dimensional abilities to fight hordes of enemies and boss battles that will leave you shaking. These dimensional abilities are versions of what different dimensions would look like in our three-dimensional world. Ultimate Reality also has different levels and maps where you will be able to explore and find different puzzles to find the mysterious figure. This game has modern mechanics such as finishers, puzzles and a compelling story told in side-scroller style game.

- More than 5 different suits with different fighting styles
- 10 different unlockable dimensional abilities
- 5 different maps located in different dimensions
- Emmersive combat system that includes, combos, gadgets, and finishers

Find more info in the following channels!

#action #adventure #platformer #scifi #retro #puzzle #pixelart #superhero #dimensions #strategy #altgame #roguelike #arcade #survival #controller #cyberpunk #cinematic #mystery #beatemup #fighter