Comments (9)
I like your Buddha-ish Cthulhu.
You Cthullu is so adorable! xD
Cool machanic and nice graphics! Good job, keep it up!
If you feel like it, you can also check out our jam entry
Funny entry! The ragdolls are a nice touch, its somewhat hard to aim or influence the direction the poor souls fly. Check mine out here http://gamejolt.com/games/armechgeddon/80346
I love the Art of the Elder God. Also nice ragdol physics :)
Challenging but funny game. You should add some screenshots of the game to this page! I included it in part 16 of my Indies vs Gamers compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :) https://youtu.be/G45ou6eRcE0

You have to sign in, or the sacrifices won't fall from the building! It takes a bit of trust ;D
So you and your cultists buddies have managed to summon an Elder God. Problem is, now he's hungry. Not only does he desire human souls, but he wants them with milk. Help feed your tentacled friend a delicious breakfast. Oh, and be quick. He's kind of destroying the city. #indiesvsgamers
Use the arrow keys to move the cultists, up and down changes the tension. Get sacrifices into the milk bowls to appease your god. Keep his happiness up by feeding him directly, or he'll start destroying the building and cause you to lose!
Have fun with this delicious mess of elder-gods, physics, ragdolls, and milk!
Programmed By:
Sean Dorries - (Most of the Stuff!)
Jase Pellerin - (Me :D)
Art By:
Darrin Michelson - (Cthulhu + more)
Joel Lee - (Character and Other Rigging + Animation)
Torathor - (Characters and Background Art)
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed