
Comments (18)

What do you think?

Interesting idea.

What cute little game. I love the fgrumpy faces on all the asteroids. The photo mechanic is unique and cool too.

This is great! I really love the premise of this, and it was well executed; the mechanic with the photos (for science!) and all the asteroid trajectories keep you on your toes the whole time. Sometimes a simple yet elegant mechanic can be more entertaining than the variety of explodable baddies and weapon types offered by your average space game. Kudos!

Cool game! Great art and interesting gameplay! I miss a difficulty curve, but it was fun anyway! Good job, keep it up!

If you feel like it, you can also check out our jam entry

Poor Pluto. I liked the concept of this game! I included it in part 19 of my Indies vs Gamers compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)


Destination: Pluto

Version: v0.2.0over 9 years ago

Game Soundtrack

3 songs

An arcade space paparazzi simulator made for the INDIES vs GAMERS Game Jam.

Control the New Horizons with your mouse and shoot close-ups of asteroids and planets with a simple click.

And finally evade every dangers of the deep space to reach your ultimate destination 3 billion miles away: Pluto.

For Science!



v0.2.0 released

Danger! Danger everywhere!
Deadly asteroids roam the space, and the Pluto, far, far away hopelessly waits the lonely visitor, the New Horizons.
Guide through the 3 billion miles long journey and reach your final destination!

v0.1.3 Bugfix released: Font and click problems solved