Comments (36)
Brooooo tyy i love this

me going to download it
bro i cant find the application
sot the game to run should i download both updates ?
you are a king
How do i can download it to my android phone?
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage For The Future 2 (Version 3.0) (Ikemen)
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage For The Future 2 (Version 3.0) (Mugen)
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage For The Future 2 (Version 2.0) (Old Version)
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage For The Future 2 (Older Version)
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage For The Future 2 is a fan-made fighting game for fans of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. This game was made using the M.U.G.E.N and I.K.E.M.E.N engines. This is a fan sequel to the popular 2D fighting game "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage For The Future". You can play as a large cast of 77 characters from parts 1-7 of Jojo's. This game also includes 57 stages. The latest version adds various new single player and co-op modes for you to enjoy. Online play has also been added. I hope you all enjoy this jojo mugen!!
Platform: PC
Management: Keyboard Keys - Player 1:
Movement - W [jump], A [left], S [down], D [right]
Combat - U I O (responsible mainly for calling the stand, dodging and used for special attacks)
Attacks - J [weak], K [medium], L [strong] Taunt - Enter
Taunt - Enter
Management: Number Pad Keys - Player 2:
Movement (arrows + numpad) - ↑ [jump], ← [left], ↓ [down], → [right]
Combat - 4 5 6 (they are mainly responsible for calling the stand, dodging and are used for special attacks)
Attacks - 1 [weak], 2 [medium], 3 [strong]
Taunt - NumEnter
Block: move backward relative to the enemy
Tandem: a, s, a + stand button (u / i / o) - a tandem is a couple of seconds, during which you determine attacks to your stand and according to your keys pressed, the stand will make strikes.
When choosing a character, you can determine its palette (skin), to select a character you need to press J or 1 (for another skin k, l, u, i, o or 2,3,4,5,6)
Compatible Controllers:
Wired Xbox 360
Dualshock 4 Controller
Switch Pro Controller
Fight Stick
Pokkén Controller
Dualsense Controller
If there is any confusion when it comes to learning how to play certain characters then I suggest checking out my Youtube channel for help.
Damaylor MUGEN: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9zibr5ZQ3tWg3FdGDfJePg?view_as=subscriber
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