Comments (21)
Excellent work, Yaz :) The environments are well done and the music sounds great. Can't we just change the name of the astronaut? :D
How did you do the 360 Scrolling if I may ask?
I downloaded the other version for lower resolution, but it locks down immediately instead of playing the YAZ video. Not sure if it's something on my end or possibly a bug?!
OK, here come dat review: What do I say? The game itself is nice, a point-n-click like the old glories with some nice cutscenes (Note to @Yazorius here, the game is fullscreen and the cutscenes are 1080x720 and the game resolution is 1920x1080, which makes the cutscenes blurred, making it quite annoying to see. I hope you can remake the cutscenes in higher resolution) and with puzzles that are pretty tricky (I had to think more than I expected), the scrolling motor instead is quite weird, because it made me misperceive how much I was spinning(I mean, you can't turn right a bit and find your self where you started). In the end, I recommend to play this game if you're a fan of point-n-clicks (And please @Yazorius
fix the scrolling motor)
Beautiful game with great graphic. We wait to see more of this project :D
3 for small screen resolution (Do not consider this version for the BlackCubeJam2016 vote)
The Black Cubes connect the worlds. They weave through space a path between two different places. By touching this Black Cube, astronaut Simon M. doesn't know what to expect. Other Black Cubes had already been discovered, but this one is not like the others: it emits various waves and radiations which suggests a failure in its creation. On a desolate planet, Simon hesitates as to what to do: should he leave or be tempted to touch?
From the jam around the universe of BLACK CUBE, this game is principaly a short project that allows to put together scene graphics, music and a programming realized in 6 days only. With a strong graphic universe inspired by the classics of adventure games, and a mesmerizing atmosphere, "3" is an adventure to live, between the video game, a walk simulator and an abstract experience, in 2D with a 360° scrolling homemade motor.
Les BlackCube relient les mondes. Ils tissent à travers l'espace un chemin entre deux endroits. En touchant ce Black Cube, l'astronaute Simon M. ne sait pas à quoi s'attendre. D'autres Black Cubes avaient déjà été découverts, mais celui-ci n'est pas comme les autres : il émet diverses ondes et radiations qui laisse supposer une défaillance dans sa création. Sur une planète désolée, Simon hésite quant à savoir quoi faire : doit-il partir ou se laisser tenter de toucher ?
Issu de la compétition amicale autour de l'univers du Black Cube, ce jeu est avant tout un court projet qui permet de mettre en scène des graphismes, des musiques et une programmation réalisés en 6 jours seulement. Fort d'un univers graphique fort inspiré des classiques du jeu d'aventure, et d'une ambiance envoûtante, "3" est une aventure à vivre, entre le jeu vidéo, la balade interactive et l'expérience abstraite, le tout en 2d via un moteur-maison de scrolling à 360°.