Comments (1)
After 35 years in the media business, I must admit I am what one may call 'artsy' or 'pretentious'. The only movies that do it for me are the ones full of expert symbolism, deep metaphors, and mind-blowing analogies. These are the sort of films and games that a lesser man would call 'non-sense', but true art fans like myself may call genius. This would include the likes of 'Citizen Kane', 'Seven Samurai', or 'Grown Ups 2'. With all this experience and knowledge under my girthy belt, I have to be honest here and say nothing, and I mean NOTHING even comes CLOSE to the transcendent nature of Dave's Pickle Adventure. Every possible aspect is carefully woven at a level never even thought of by the geniuses of our time. I think it is likely I shall never play, nay, look at, another video game. This will occupy my time, and The analysis will have to match the effort put in by the developer.
Thank you,
daves pickle adventure
help dave go on a pickle adventure!!! #adventure #pointnclick #action #analog