Comments (11)
Do you have a .data file to go with the .exe file?
I love how the trees look So real..It runs very smothly..No lag at all..I run off the side & saw the trees fly..& The sun was right there am not sure what the pop up pictures are But I would not use them in the game..Your doing a good job!
If this is a unity game as a standalone it should have two files. a .data and .exe. You need to include both of them to make the game work. Usually people put them in a .rar file and submit this but I only saw the .exe file.
The video isnt working either
Dawn Beta
Sorry guys, I know its not what you want but its what I could come up with. But don't worry I am working hard in Vyioarb (my room/company) to make this a better horror game. I'll be posting the new added thing majigys in the game. For now enjoy