
Comments (11)

What do you think?

Do you have a .data file to go with the .exe file?

I love how the trees look So real..It runs very smothly..No lag at all..I run off the side & saw the trees fly..& The sun was right there am not sure what the pop up pictures are But I would not use them in the game..Your doing a good job!


If this is a unity game as a standalone it should have two files. a .data and .exe. You need to include both of them to make the game work. Usually people put them in a .rar file and submit this but I only saw the .exe file.

The video isnt working either


Dawn Beta

Version: 0.1.2over 9 years ago

Sorry guys, I know its not what you want but its what I could come up with. But don't worry I am working hard in Vyioarb (my room/company) to make this a better horror game. I'll be posting the new added thing majigys in the game. For now enjoy


Game Is Cancelled For Further Development

Release 0.1.2 Has Been Released!

Release 0.1.2 Sneak Peek

New Content Like:
-Flashlight Mechanics
-Introduction To A Page Collecter
-Battery Pickup To Recharge Flashlight
-New Start Menu (I changed the words around)

Next Release Is Ready!

I Fixed Our Problem.

Okay, guys I have fixed our problem when downloading the game. Please delete the file you downloaded before and download the new one. Thank you and have a nice day. I will be announcing the new release in a couple of more weeks.