
Hi there.
This is the Disbelief Papyrus mod for Friday Night Funkin', and this mod is going to have completely new skins, songs, and charts.
as for devs, when I'm writing this, the only ones working on this is
This mod is still under heavy development so don't expect it to come out soon.
We will be giving updates frequently as to our progress and leaks as well.
I hope you enjoy this once it releases.
08mouseboy: Charting and porting mainly, also the "coder" if there's cutscenes
some art finishing touches
Yusuf the gamer: Art, and music (probably, if not we'll find someone for that)
Mika: Community manager
as for an expected release date, we just hope we get this out before the summer ends.
that's our goal for now.
- 08mouseboy and Yusuf the Gamer
#fnf #mod #undertale #disbelief