Comments (3)
purty good
Lovely graphics :) I included it in a compilation video from this jam, if you would like to take a look :)

I am not sure I understand how to play it :(
Doom Town
Doom City Explorer Edition
Video game done for the #FamiliarGameJam6 . It's based on the famous game "Rock, scisors and paper".
The City must be destroyed. Use your cards to prevent its growth choosing the right resource. The City on its turn, always try to build one random resource.
You'll have in your disposition 3 types of cards: Standard, Slows and Fast.
-Fast: If you win, draw one card, freeze the opposite resource and destroy one construction in progress.
-Slows: If you win, you'll destroy 3 finished constructions.
-Standard: If you win, you'll destroy the resource that the City was goind to build and another one that was already built.
-You win when the City has 2 resources or less.
-The City win when it has 12 resources.
-If the City has one of its resources equals to 0, you draw an extra card each turn.
-If the City has one of its resources equals to 5, you discard one card each turn.
-Pablo Entralla Rosas (Programming and Game Design)
-VÃctor DomÃnguez Aragón (Programming and Game Design)
-Sabrina MartÃnez Garrido (Art)
Music By: Yubatake
Found in http://opengameart.org/content/jrpg-collection-2