
Comments (10)

What do you think?

why is there no download Button ?

the best game i've ever seen 10/10

  1. Really Cool work at paint. 2. Correction: "Goku Black The Super Saiyan Rose."

Como un heads up, este juego puede ser reportado por no ser un juego, y en lugar de ser un documento power point. Te recomiendo que uses algo como Unity3D o Unreal Engine 4. O tal vez Gamemaker-Studio.

As a heads up, this game may be reported for not being a game, and instead being a power point document. I highly recommend you instead use something like Unity3D or Unreal Engine 4. Or maybe Gamemaker- Studio.

que malos graficos de portada


Dragon Ball Super: Evil Goku the legendary Super Saiyan Red

Version: 0.0.1over 8 years ago

In this game you are the hero. The saver from the dark. Would you do it?

En este juego eres el heroe. El salvador de la oscuridad. Lo lograras hacer?

Kono gēmude wa, shujinkōdesu. Kuraikara sēbā. Anata wa sore o okonaudarou ka?

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans
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