Comments (20)
looks damn good
When is this coming out?
This looks amazing, like WOW! I simply love it! Hope to play it once it comes out entirely!! <3
Based on the video I might speed up Spyro's running animation a bit, but it looks really cool. Let me know if you need any help with it. I might be able to make a few assets for you if you need, anything I can maybe do to help you get this finished faster. I'm busy between a day job and my channel now, but that doesn't mean I can't at least hepl out here or there a little if you need or like. Keep up the good work though!
can't wait for this
Wow man I so miss Spyro! Hope it works out for you! :)
This game in the this website is the sake of tracking my own progress in something neater. Obviously I don't own the main character, but that main character isn't being "used well" if you know what i mean. I may take this down if it doesn't go well.
This game being created is the reason why we all miss this series. This will take some time for it to actually function like the originals. But because I don't have a "proper" game working I will just be posting media until I feel the mechanics are polished, not when the game is complete.