Comments (8)
"10/10" - ign
Amazing! I love it!
i cant stop laughing...
See my gameplay:
watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPILD3mBFno
so basically trump derangement syndrome
This was cute. Gotta love firing dildos at drumpf!
Let's make that his new motto: Dildos for Drumpf!
Video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQQmr7ahTXQ
Drumpulous MAC OSX
play at 16:9 aspect, it gets weird if it's different
Drumpulous WIN x64
for 64-bit windows
Drumpulous WIN x86
for 32-bit windows (x86)
drumpulous aka shoot dildos at donald trump's head.exe
i am chilled to the core watching trump's rise in popularity and working on this was cathartic for me. i hope it brings a lighthearted moment to anyone also suffering from dread in these troubling times.
follow on twitter: @drumpulous
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Mature Humor