Comments (21)
So. New Arcade Games... Is version 2.0 an update or an intirely new game? Please clarify.
it is okay, but seems as if it is not done.
Kinda reminds me of Goat Simulator a bit.. I was definitely feeling the drunkness on that last mode :D
If I play this game I feel like I drank three bottles of whisky.
Great game. Very trippy... am I drunk?
Drunk Simulator Extreme
Thank you guys so much for all of your support on my Drunk Simulator games! I have been hard at work on new, exciting projects that I know you all will enjoy. Please share Drunk Simulator with your friends, family, family friends, pets, children, girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, husband, baby, or a complete stranger!
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Comical Shenanigans