
Dungeon Crawler
A Legend of Zelda like dungeon crawler game made in Java.
This project was made for an assignment I've got with which I went really overboard. I don't plan on updating this anymore, but I'm really glad if you enjoy this little game. I've tried my best to make it feel like the original legend of zelda game for the NES.
And yes, I'm a programmer, so do expect progammer graphics and music. If you really don't like it, then you can replace them anytime if you go to Resources/Packs/Default/
You can replace anything you'd like, or create new Resources packs, but don't change the file names. If you create a new Resource pack then you should edit the maps in any editor and write the linepack={YOUR RESOURCE PACK FOLDER NAME}
You can add maps by adding new .map files. Their names should be as follows:{MAPNAME}.{DIFFICULTY}.map
Note: The difficulty can be: easy
, normal
, hard