Comments (8)
made it for mac please
Aww. I don't have a compatible controller. I guess I could just droll over the screenshots...
Good Game 4/5
what you think of my idea?
v1 - Ludum Dare Version
Dungeon Darkness is a fast paced split-screen platform game created for Ludum Dare. Pick from 4 characters and 3 different maps to see who has the ultimate trigger finger, but beware, you only live once, so don't go walking into bullets!
Supports up to 4 players using gamepads or 2 players using the keyboard. Confirmed working with Xbox 360 controllers.
To use gamepad controls, press the Action button on any of your controllers to start the game when the controls screen appears, not the Action key on the keyboard!
However, to use the keyboard instead of gamepads, press Q or Right Control (this is the Action key) when the controls screen appears.
Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Brief Nudity