
Comments (3)

What do you think?

Let me know what you think should be added to the game and remember this is the first very early release

Game Soundtrack

4 songs

I am making a 2d platformer or Android, IOS, and Windows this is the early alpha for the game. I am releasing it now because I wish to get feed on what I can improve on and what you would like to see put into this game. Currently we are only available on pc


1.4 update

1.4 is here this update brings in a gun and destroyeable crates. More improvements on this feature coming with future updates.

New Feature Coming Soon

We are currently working on a new map which will include a gun and some breakable crates hopefully you guys will enjoy this feature and give us ideas on how to improve it

Playable Update #1

You can now download the game for Windows, Mac, and Linux there is also a HTML 5 ability